
real sex, real graffiti, but mostly sex
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How my Tuesday night is going to end.

How my Tuesday night is going to end.

Slap the Butcher

Slap the Butcher

“where have you been you Bitch…..” Mr. Gee

“where have you been you Bitch…..”

Mr. Gee



it is exactly what I want to see from you

it is exactly what I want to see from you

I am still in shock that this is you

I am still in shock that this is you

met her and her husband for dinner, they brought me back to their Backbay apartment

met her and her husband for dinner, they brought me back to their
Backbay apartment

I love when she does this

I love when she does this

she from europe, Sweden believe it or not

she from europe, Sweden believe it or not

she loves to be in control, she has to be in control

she loves to be in control, she has to be in control

I met her in the shire, this girl kills me

I met her in the shire, this girl kills me

she took me to clubs, to streets I had never seen, she taught me words I never knew,

she took me to clubs, to streets I had never seen,

she taught me words I never knew,

somewhere out there, I will see you again, my perfect weed covered love smoke

somewhere out there, I will see you again,

my perfect weed covered love smoke

I gave her my iPod and wanted to thank me

I gave her my iPod and wanted to thank me

she said it was the most we could do, any more would be wrong, I was just in awe so let me see her naked

she said it was the most we could do, any more would be wrong,

I was just in awe so let me see her naked