
real sex, real graffiti, but mostly sex
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Implants, ready to pop.

Implants, ready to pop.

(via fuckyeahamateurs) Rock on.

(via fuckyeahamateurs)

Rock on.

fuckyeahamateurs: This does actually look like a party to me.


This does actually look like a party to me.

So much more than anyone knows.

So much more than anyone knows.

Take it my little sex slave.

Take it my little sex slave.

I love your boots.

I love your boots.

When I am finished with you.

When I am finished with you.

I love when they do this.

I love when they do this.

Bitches look at me like I’m a fakerKnowing goddamn well I’m a mutherfuckin heartbreaker! I’ll have them crying for months Cause I done fucked their best friends and put a whipping on their cunts They have their mothers to call but, if you fucked one mom, You done fucked them all And I really don’t give a fuck Cause if your mom offers me the pussy she’s stuck

Bitches look at me like I’m a faker
Knowing goddamn well
I’m a mutherfuckin heartbreaker!
I’ll have them crying for months
Cause I done fucked their best friends
and put a whipping on their cunts
They have their mothers to call
but, if you fucked one mom,
You done fucked them all
And I really don’t give a fuck
Cause if your mom offers me the pussy
she’s stuck

She popped her a pill of X, and drank on some orange juiceAnd just when you thought she was freakin’ she done got super loose

She popped her a pill of X,
and drank on some orange juice
And just when you thought she was freakin’
she done got super loose

She loves it when I do this. Do you?

She loves it when I do this. Do you?

God that looks good.

God that looks good.

Black Eyed Please.

Black Eyed Please.



I love that you love this.

I love that you love this.