
real sex, real graffiti, but mostly sex
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she taught me

she taught me

the pearls I got for you

the pearls I got for you

so what I want is you like this, seriously

so what I want is you like this, seriously

I love getting into your jeans

I love getting into your jeans

I need you to wear this for me………

I need you to wear this for me………

when you look at me………

when you look at me………

I promise to buy this for you so you can wear this for me

I promise to buy this for you so you can wear this for me

while I was on the phone our slave stared making noise

while I was on the phone our slave stared making noise

she’s probably too young for me, but I can’t help myself

she’s probably too young for me, but I can’t help myself

so the way it works is you let me because you love me, and I want to because I love you

so the way it works is you let me because you love me, and I want to because I love you

then after too much anticipation she started

then after too much anticipation she started

you know Fuck you

you know Fuck you

so we met in the W, I undressed her, and told her to start……..

so we met in the W, I undressed her, and told her to start……..

smoking in the boys room………

smoking in the boys room………

they shared for me……..

they shared for me……..