
real sex, real graffiti, but mostly sex
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dear ladies, the wax is your painful friend, that your lovers love

dear ladies, the wax is your painful friend, that your lovers love

she loved oral but she loved this too

she loved oral but she loved this too

her mom is Indian her dad is Kenyan

her mom is Indian her dad is Kenyan

I wonder if she will ever really bless me with her touch

I wonder if she will ever really bless me with her touch

thank Jesus for the digital camera

thank Jesus for the digital camera

if only

if only

I can’t bring her anywhere

I can’t bring her anywhere

I don’t ask for much these days

I don’t ask for much these days

she likes me and likes when i take photos of her

she likes me and likes when i take photos of her

she knows it all, and pleases me like I never had

she knows it all, and pleases me like I never had

she does it all but swallows

she does it all but swallows

typical middle child

typical middle child

see how my thickness can be a tough hurdle to get over

see how my thickness can be a tough hurdle to get over

because they never let me

because they never let me

user submitted and it looks like she did too

user submitted and it looks like she did too