
real sex, real graffiti, but mostly sex
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Gucci always makes me hard

Gucci always makes me hard

we were staying in Berlin at her friends place….

we were staying in Berlin at her friends place….

it’s artsy, it’s fartsy, shes lovely

it’s artsy, it’s fartsy, shes lovely

shes just so much fun

shes just so much fun

they came to visit I caught them fucking on the couch

they came to visit I caught them fucking on the couch

submitted by a friend

submitted by a friend

when she looks at me like this, it melts me inside

when she looks at me like this, it melts me inside

she is the mother of one, and plays it cool at work

she is the mother of one, and plays it cool at work

she is an artist and fucks like no one I have ever met

she is an artist and fucks like no one I have ever met

i had to honey

i had to honey

her fetish, smoking while I give her head

her fetish, smoking while I give her head

her body is so tight it embarrasses me

her body is so tight it embarrasses me

her house skirt

her house skirt

sometimes my thickness is a problem

sometimes my thickness is a problem

after she comes, she likes a little nappy nap

after she comes, she likes a little nappy nap